Life Lessons Learned From Eve Genesis 1-3

Written on 05/07/2024


Greater Friendship Baptist Church FFF

Dr. Derrick L. Miles, Pastor



  1. NEVER _______________________________ OR DISOBEY GOD’S WORD 

Always know and trust that God’s Word is true. Never disregard, doubt or disobey His Word. God told Adam and Eve to NOT eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and what did they do? They disobeyed Him and His Word, doubted what He had said and had total disregard for His commandments.  Deuteronomy 28:15-68


2. ALWAYS PUT YOUR FAITH AND TRUST IN GOD _______________________________ 

Always put your faith and trust in God alone, and not in this world or anyone or anything else. When we follow God and do His Will in our lives, great things will happen.  Proverbs 3:5-6


3. DO NOT _______________________________ THE DEVIL 

We, as Christians, are in a spiritual warfare. The devil is working overtime to whisper lies in your ears, and discourage you with negative thoughts and feelings in the mind. He will find any way possible to try and deceive you, discourage you, and drag you down with him. The closer you get to God, and the more you do for Christ in your life, the angrier Satan gets because he wants you to be all caught up in sin; he wants to drag you down to hell with him. This is why you should NEVER listen to the devil or entertain any of the negative thoughts or feelings. Cast down those imaginations in the name of Jesus!  Ephesians 4:27


4. STOP _______________________________ THINGS IN YOUR LIFE 

When we try to do things our way, or take control of things in our lives, it won’t work out. We need to give it all to God and allow Him to guide us on the right path. “Those who leave everything in God’s hands will start to see God’s hands in everything”. Psalm 55:22


5. GOD DOES NOT _______________________________

God does not lie. Lying is a sin and God does not sin (Numbers 23:19; Titus 1:2; Hebrews 6:18). He warned Adam and Eve about the consequences to eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God said if you eat the fruit, you will die. Did He lie? Nope. A curse was brought upon men which was death.  


6. GOD _______________________________ WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU 

God will ALWAYS know what is best for you. He created you! He knows every single thing about you: past, present and future. Trust Him (Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28). 


7. _______________________________ IS THE FATHER OF LIES 

From this story in Genesis, we can clearly see that Satan is the father of lies. The devil got straight into tempting and deceiving Eve the first moment he got (John 8:44). 


8. STAY _______________________________ AGAINST THE ATTACKS OF THE DEVIL 

As I have said before, we are in a spiritual battle against the devil and his demons. We need to stay vigilant and put on the full armor of God so that we stand firm in the Lord and protected against the attacks from the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18). 


9. SIN _______________________________ US FROM GOD 

When Adam and Eve sinned, they hid themselves from God. This clearly shows that sin does in fact separate us from God. When we do the wrong thing, we want to hide; we feel ashamed. This is why it is important to stay in prayer, confess our sins to God and believe that His grace is sufficient and enough (Isaiah 59:1-4; Romans 6:23).


10. YOU WILL _______________________________ WHAT YOU SOW 

You cannot expect to sin, hide it from God, and have no consequences for your actions (Hebrews 4:13-15). God banished Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. They were punished for their sin. And so will we. God will chastise us where need be, when we are in sin. 


11. GOD WILL HAVE _______________________________

The good news is that God is merciful. God shows us His love and forgiveness to those who repent. His most sincere form of mercy is when He sent His one and only son Jesus into the world to become the sacrificial lamb (the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world). God was merciful to Adam and Eve after they had sinned. He forgave them and clothed them with animal skin (Ephesians 2:4-5; Hebrews 4:16; 1 John 1:9; Psalm 86:5; 1 Peter 1:3).


12. GOD WILL _______________________________ YOU 

To be redeemed by God means to be delivered from sin. Through the sin that Eve committed, God established a plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. The fall of mankind as shown in the story of Adam and Eve is the very reason why humans were in need of a Savior. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus gives us a chance of redemption to those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Our sins will be forgiven and washed away with the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for us (Ephesians 1:7; Galatians 2:20; Colossians 1:14; Psalm 111:9; Isaiah 44:22; Psalm 130:7).


13. THERE IS A _______________________________ AND PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE 

God has created every single one of us with a purpose and plan in our lives. God created Eve to be the first woman on Earth and the mother of us all as she was the first woman to have children. This was God’s desire for her, and He has many desires for your life too! All you have to do is put your faith and trust in God alone, and do His Will in your life (Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 8:28).



14. WE CANNOT _______________________________ FROM OUR MAKER 

There is nothing that we can do that God does not know about. We cannot hide anything from Him. Adam and Eve thought that they could hide from God once they had sinned, but we learn that nothing is hidden from Him. We have to own up to our mistakes; confess our sins to God (Jeremiah 23:24; Hebrews 4:13-15).


15. YOU CAN ONLY _______________________________ ONE SIDE 

You have a choice to make in this world: either live in this world and essentially worship the devil, or take up your cross and follow Jesus. Satan tempted Eve in the garden and convinced her that she could become a god if she ate the fruit. She listened to the lies of the devil and believed them, rather than listening to God and obeying His Word only. Once she realized the mistake that she made, and was kicked out of the garden, she needed to get right with God and not continue to be deceived by the devil (Matthew 6:24). 


16. GOD’S _______________________________ ARE IMPORTANT 

 This is why God’s commandments are so important. He established them all for a reason. The two greatest commandments that Jesus spoke about in the New Testament are to: love God with your heart, body and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. These two golden rules set the foundation for following the rest of God’s commandments because if you love God and you love your neighbor, you wouldn’t want to disobey God and be caught up into sin. You would want to live a life that is pleasing to God and honors Him in all that you do (Matthew 22:34-40).